• Where Tomorrow's Leaders Come Together

Palutungan Lost Adventure

Today I will tell you a little about my experience regarding camping at Palutungan Camping Ground, Kuningan. This adventure started at 8 am on Sunday. I have prepared all the things about camping equipment, consisting of equipment for preparing for sleeping, cooking, and bathing. I stayed there for one night. The sun shone brightly. I boarded the truck with my friends. Entered the Kuningan area, the weather got colder. Very different from Cirebon. Arrived at the campsite, I immediately built a tent, rested, and started other activities.

The rain fell unexpectedly. And it destroyed the agenda that I was waiting for. At 15.00 I should be playing a game with the team. However, the rain prevented that. As a result, my tent got wet with water, as did my belongings. Towards 6 pm I got ready for the maghrib prayer led by Mr. Bukhori. The body was getting colder. Moreover, it rained this afternoon. 

The teams prepared a bonfire for the performances. When the bonfire was burning, it waa simply mesmerizing. My friends and I sang and danced to the atmosphere. It doesn't feel like time has passed quickly. At 10 pm I have to go to bed. In the morning I was surprised by the seniors who woke me up. There was a Scout material test. I was still sleepy, my body was still tired. But I tried to always be aware. Finally, I was able to get through it until 7.00 am followed by group exercise. 

This is the time you have been waiting for. Nature Exploration. Climb the mountain and play in the river which has a waterfall nearby. This experience is very meaningful and enjoyable. Moreover, I went through all this with my friends. Sunday afternoon before I went home, it rained again. I waited for about 15 minutes for the rain to stop, then I immediately rushed out of the campsite. Sunday afternoon I returned to Cirebon safely. Thank you for this wonderful experience. See you in another story.

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